How To Add Multicolored Rugs in Your Home

How To Add Multicolored Rugs in Your Home

A rug can bring life into a space and make a room appear larger, but only if you choose the right rug. Adding a multicolored rug to a well-furnished room adds dimension by transforming the room into a trendy space. Interior design is like a dance, and everything in the room must flow together; otherwise the eye won’t know where to look. We’ve put together a guide that can aid you in adding any multicolored rug to your space—keep reading if you’re interested in giving your room a face-lift.

Think About Placement and Size

Placement is important when you’re considering how to add multicolored rugs in your home because you want the rug to make the room look unified, not broken up. You also want to consider size because, ideally, the rug will extend past the furniture under which you place it. When placing a rug, think about what you’re trying to achieve. In most scenarios, placing a rug under a table is the best option. This placement can make the room appear larger if the rug extends past the ends of the table. A rug that’s too small can make the room appear crammed and cluttered, so don’t make the mistake of choosing the wrong size rug.

Consider Colors in the Room

Styling a multicolored rug may seem overwhelming, but incorporating some color into your home is easier than you think. Look around at the existing furniture and décor to determine whether the rug will work in that space. You don’t want the colors in the rug to clash with the room’s existing colors, so consider the color scheme you’re working with before choosing a rug. If the furniture is neutral, you can be playful with your rug and choose something with bright colors. If the furniture is already quite eclectic, you should consider a neutral multicolored rug or one that plays well with the existing color palette.

Determine Style or Print

Lastly, you should determine the style or print that works with the space by assessing the surrounding décor. If your style is eclectic and your home reflects that, you might consider a rug with a minimal print or style to balance the room. If your interior design is minimal and your color palette leans more neutral, you might consider a trendy multicolored rug to bring life into the space. If you’re looking to experiment with your interior design, an area rug is a great place to start.

With over 15 years of experience, Boutique Rugs is a supreme source for trendy area rugs. We have everything to make your vision come to fruition, regardless of your style or budget. If you’re still unsure how to add multicolored rugs in your home, we are here to help you find a high-quality area rug that will transform your home into an oasis. Check us out online and let us assist you.


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