Waverton Area Rug

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Waverton Area Rug

$281 - $993
$113 - $429
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Area Rug

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Brand: Hauteloom
Collection: Waverton
Colors: Light Gray, White, Gray
Construction: Machine Woven
Material: 100% Polypropylene
Pile: Medium Pile
Pile Height: 0.32"
Styles: Traditional
Made In: Turkey
Thickness: 0.36"
Price Range: $$$$$
Category: Area Rugs
Collection Design: ROM

See All Rugs

Maintaining synthetic fiber rugs involves the following steps:

  1. Start by blotting out as much of the stain as possible using a dry cotton or white paper towel.
  2. Use a blunt instrument to scrape off any food or debris gently.
  3. Create a mixture of a minimal amount of dish soap with a cup of cold water. Employ this mix and a clean sponge to remove the remainder of the stain.
  4. After cleaning, blot the area with a dry towel to remove any excess moisture.

For more information, check out our Rug Care Instructions